Miss Cornelia Conger, the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lyon writes the following in her "Memoirs of Swami Vivekananda" that appeared in Prabuddha Bharata Magazine of May 1956. Swami Vivekananda stayed at Lyon's home during the sessions at 1893
The original incident happened between Swami Turiyananda (Brother Disciple of Vivekananda) and Sister Nivedita (Disciple of Vivekananda) on a ship during their trip to America. This incident is falsely attributed sometimes to Vivekananda and his Mother
The following is an excerpt from the research article on "Swami Vivekananda's Voice Recording" that appeared in Vedanta Kesari Magazine: Research Article: https://issuu.com/srkmath/docs/the_vedanta_kesari_august_2010/s/11872762 The much-asked question
NO such a video does not exist. According to Britannica Encyclopedia, the Kinetograph (Dickson's camera) capable of capturing motion pictures was not available in 1893 at World's Columbian Expo at Chicago where the first Parliament of Religions were held