Does divine grace remove all our miseries and confer peace?

Does divine grace remove all our miseries and confer peace?

Divine Grace may not necessarily remove all our physical miseries and sorrows, but if we have the Grace, we can pass through the fiery ordeal of life successfully, burning the dross in us the process. This increases our inner purity and spirit of surrender. Blessed are our sufferings if they bring clearer knowledge and steadier devotion. The more I see life, more I understand that divine Grace does not necessarily mean removal of our troubles. But it always gives the devotee a wonderful inner poise and strength to face all trials and difficulties, makes him purer, and enables him feel the divine Presence which brings an inner peace even the midst of the greatest sufferings. Real peace is not like sleep. It is a calm state of mind that enables you to remain unmoved in the midst of the troubles and difficulties and be touch with a vaster Reality.

Reference: Meditation and Spiritual Life by Swami Yatiswarananda (p.269)