How do we Hindus explain suffering in life?

How do we Hindus explain suffering in life?

In the Hindu religion there is no Devil. So he cannot be blamed for causing suffering. Hindus say that we are essentially spiritual beings (Atman); when we try and express ourselves in a physical manner (through the body) we pay a price for it. The price is suffering. The reason why we go, 'Ouch,' and pull our hand out of the fire is because our body is sending us a sharp message to make us move our hand away from the fire. The reason why we get pangs of hunger is because, in order to survive, the body is sending us an urgent message to feed ourselves. Suffering is the survival mechanism of the body. Another kind of suffering can be mental suffering. This arises because of unfulfilled desires. The only way we can overcome our desires is to realise that we are one with God. Then all desires and suffering vanish.

ReferencePrimary Hinduism by Seeta Lakhani (Ch.6, 'Can we see God?', p.75)