I am fully convinced of the evil effects of desires, but still unable to rid myself completely of them. What am i to do? How can i rise above them?

I am fully convinced of the evil effects of desires, but still unable to rid myself completely of them. What am i to do? How can i rise above them?

One way is to control them using will power. Another is to cultivate the witness attitude towards them. Neither of these is easy and in the beginning of one's spiritual life, well nigh impossible. What then is the way for a spiritual aspirant? He should connect them all, directly or indirectly, with Divine.

Every desire, every sensual impulse, every passion, must be given a Godward turn consciously and knowingly with an effort of the will. If his artistic sense and his desire to enjoy art are very strong, he should take up some holy form of art and make that a stepping stone for rising to the plane of the Divine. Instead of listening to worldly music, let him listen to devotional music; instead of singing for other people, sing for the sake of the Divine; and so on. If he is very fond of the sweet fragrance and beauty of flowers and wishes to enjoy them, let him pluck flowers, offer them to the Divine and decorate with them the holy altar artistically. If he desires to love somebody or feels greatly attracted towards somebody, let him love the Divine in that person and be thereby directly drawn towards the Divine.

If done consciously and knowingly, all these act as a great controlling factor, as a great regulating agency, helping us in sublimating our desires, in giving them a higher turn and in attaining greater purity.

Reference: Meditation and Spiritual Life by Swami Yatiswarananda (p.255)