Some modern psychologists promote the theory of free expression and advise us to avoid repression of instincts. Is that correct?

Some modern psychologists promote the theory of free expression and advise us to avoid repression of instincts. Is that correct?

Modern psychologists have done a great service to humanity by their researches into the nature of the unconscious, dreams, motivation, complexes, repression, etc. But very many of them have in effect done an equal amount of harm by propagating the theory of free expression. Though many eminent psychoanalysts have protested against this abuse of a noble science, the idea that suppression of sex is harmful has rapidly gained popularity in the West.

The Yoga psychology, on the contrary, believes that conscious suppression of sex instinct with a spiritual aim is not only not harmful but also absolutely essential. Repression may be dangerous, but not Yogic suppression followed by sublimation of the sex instinct through love of God and meditation. At first this may lead to tension and conflicts. But then, is there any higher venture which does not cause some tension or struggle? The true and earnest spiritual aspirant soon overcomes all internal troubles, and through divine Grace reaches a higher plane where he is free from the conflicts of the lower planes.

Reference: Meditation and Spiritual Life by Swami Yatiswarananda (p.211)