Who is a rishi and how to become one?

Who is a rishi and how to become one?

To ilustrate this, let me tell you the story of a young girl called Vak who became a rishi. A long time ago, in ancient India, lived a little girl called Vak. She was a real chatterbox. She would just not stop talking. One day, Vak was trying to talk to her mummy who was very busy in the kitchen. Vak's mummy got a bit annoyed. She said, "Vak can't you see I am busy? Be quiet!"

Vak went quietly up to her room and sat on her bed. She felt very sad and started to cry. She wiped away her tears and thought: "I will now sit still and not talk for ever and ever". She closed her eyes and sat still... she sat very still and was very quiet. Every time she wanted speak or fidget she controlled herself and kept absolutely still. She sat still for hours. Even her thoughts became still. Only exceptional people can be still for such a long time. After some time, she saw a brilliant light. She could also hear a sound that seemed to come from everywhere and sounded like Om. She was experiencing God. This is called spiritual experience. Sometimes when we see something awesome and beautiful, we gasp in delight. Spiritual experiences are a bit like that, except they are far more intense.

After some time, Vak opened her eyes. She had been still for hours! Vak had experienced God! She felt wonderful. Vak had now turned into a rishi. From that day on, Vak was very special. She could tell everyone about God. She was still a chatterbox, but now she chattered only about God. Everyone listened to her in amazement. What she said made a lot of sense. She became very famous in the whole country. She taught the people that it is not enough to believe in God; we must try and experience God for ourselves.

This story tells us that just like the little girl Vak, we must try and control our minds to get a spiritual experience. Some of us get a glimpse of what spiritual experiences are like when we see something awesome or beautiful.

ReferencePrimary Hinduism by Seeta Lakhani (Ch.1, 'What Is Hinduism', p.5)